Tate Frost Racing 2023-2024 Calendar

Tate Frost Racing 2023-2024 Calendar

Tate's season so far :

Chariots in Darwin August, 3rd Night 4.

Murry Bridge on the 14th October, 3rd.

Avalon on the 11th November. Feature Winner.


Looking forward to a big December and January:

Calendar  2023-2024: 

16th December Max Race Premier Speedway

26th December Avalon

27th December Simpson

28th December Mount Gambier

30th December Avalon

1st January Premier Speedway Warrnambool

5th,6th.7th, January Toowoomba ( depending on how Tate’s Speedweek goes but is scheduled)

If not Toowoomba Horsham on the 6th January

 12th January Avalon

17th January Avalon

18th January Mount Gambier

19th January Classic Premier Warrnambool

20th January Classic Premier Warrnambool 

21st January Classic Finals Night Premier Warrnambool

26th -27th January Australian Title Premier Speedway Warrnambool.

3rd February Portland

2nd March Avalon

9th March Simpson

16th March Premier Speedway Warrnambool

29th March Easter Trail.

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